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Programs & Services

The ARC has many programs and services available to support your family members! Contact us for more information about any and all of our programs!


Summer Day Camp

The Arc of North Talladega County Summer Camp, is an enrichment program that provides arts, crafts, music, dance, basic skills training, and social/recreational programming. Summer camp is at no charge to the students we serve across North Talladega County schools. The Camp offers Swimming, Recreational activities that include basketball kickball, and goal ball. The Camp allows the students to grow make new friends and reconnect with old ones while being a kid. The Arc of North Talladega County hires special education teachers, teacher aides, and lifeguards to assure the campers are provided the specialized care that meets their needs while at summer camp.

Sunshine Saturday

Sunshine Saturday is a fundraiser that benefits adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities across North Talladega County. The event is held in the Spring at the Family Life Center in Talladega. Sunshine Saturday is a fun family event, that helps the Arc provide programs to the ones we serve. At Sunshine Saturday you can find activities for all ages, carnival-type games/booths, Laser tag, rock walls, a petting zoo, music, and great food.


Callie Kids Gala

Callie Kids sponsors a Gala/Prom for our Adults that attend the Burton Center and Special Friends from the community. It's a night to shine getting all dressed up, along with professional hair and make-up artist. Callie Kids provide a DJ for all those dancing moves. It is a wonderful night for all.

Rainbow Angels

The Angels is a group of performers from the Burton Center as well as performers from the community served by the Arc. They are directed by The Arc's Board of directors member Donell Proctor. The Angels are a happiness Ministry that travels around Talladega to bring Sunshine and smiles with music from their hearts.


Burton Center

The Arc supports adults attending the Burton Center Day program. The program offers a place to learn and grow with job coaching skills, volunteering, community/day hab, reaching their goals for life, and becoming productive citizens in our community.

Teacher Grants

The Arc of North Talladega County offers Special Education teachers an opportunity to be awarded a grant to purchase a need for their class to help their students in an area of need. The grant is made possible by the fundraising events held by the Arc.



The Arc of North Talladega County is always looking for Volunteers. Sunshine Saturday cannot be successful without our volunteers from the community. The Arc also has volunteer needs during other times of the year.

ARC Angels Drama Team

The Arc offers opportunities to get involved through the arts programs with music, dance, and drama. The Arc hires professionals to help bring out the performing side of our individuals and allow them to express themselves and grow!

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