Who We Are & What We Do
A safe, supportive, and empowering place for those with intellectual disabilities in our community.
We fight every day so no person with a disability gets left behind.

Our Mission
We serve, support, and advocate for children and adults with intellectual disabilities where they live, learn, work, play, and worship.
Our Impact
With your help, we are working every day to build a future of inclusive work, play, worship, community, travel, and more.
The ARC of North Talladega
The Arc of North Talladega County Support Adult and Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we host over 100 local children and adults with disabilities. Our adults participated in Burton Development Center’s Day program, this is for adults to learn and grow with job coaching skills, volunteering, community/day hab, reaching their goals for life
and become productive citizens in our community.
We also have offered a Summer Day Camp for over twenty years now; this is a four-week camp held at our activity building and AIDB campus its free to parents who have children in our local school’s special education classes. The Arc hires special education teachers and aides to help ensure the children are reaching their potential. The camp offers a time to play, rec, basketball, swim, have art/dance classes and grow just being a kid during the summer like every other child.
The Arc offer special needs teachers an opportunity to be awarded a grant to purchase a need for their classes to help their students in areas of need. This may be a different type of chair to help our ADD/ADHD children learn to focus and comprehend what they are reading, it may even be a piece of equipment for our Ag class that helps our students learn reasonability in taking care of chickens. We serve each year in the North Talladega County Schools, Talladega City Schools and Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind Schools, all with special needs children.
More than 3,000 volunteers and spectators attend our annual fundraiser Sunshine Saturday that allows us to offer these services.
If you’re interested in learning more, about how to become a Volunteer for our Annual Sunshine Saturday , please feel free to contact the Arc of North Talladega County.
The Arc of North Talladega County is a non - profit organization 501 (3) c tax exempt organization.

Meet the Team
Board of Directors
Guiding Principles

Advocacy First
The Arc is a disability rights organization. We work with and for people with IDD, their families, and our communities to achieve change. We use the power of advocacy to improve the lives of people with IDD.
Stronger Together
The Arc unites our chapters to advance the human rights and wellbeing of people with IDD and their families. The success of our advocacy depends on the strength of the chapter network. We are stronger together.
Quality and Excellence
The Arc provides programs and services that people with IDD and their families want and depend upon in their daily lives. We strive for quality and excellence in all we do.
Shared Leadership
The Arc actively engages people with IDD and their family members in leading and guiding our work. These voices are the most important. The strong partnership between volunteer, experts, and the people we serve is critical to our mission.
The Arc leads by building consensus around a clear vision for the future of people with IDD. We unite and mobilize people behind goals and strategies that will make that vision a reality.
For All People with IDD
The Arc works with and for ALL people with IDD. While our work also helps all people with disabilities, our priority is people with IDD and their families.
The Arc works in coalition with other disability, civil rights, and human services groups. We value joint effort and step up to provide leadership when needed.
Open and Accountable
The Arc is accountable to people with IDD, their families, donors, and the public. We are committed to honesty and transparency.
Identity and Language
The Arc respects the rights of people with IDD to decide if or when to self-identify and the language they use when doing so.